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Normandy 1944 tanks
Tuesday, 2013-11-05, 5:19 PM

Message # 61


Veteran User
Registered: 2009-11-24
Messages: 32
Reputation: 0


Thank you once again


Tuesday, 2013-11-05, 5:53 PM

Message # 62


Senior Moderator
Registered: 2009-02-13
Messages: 707
Reputation: 28

The 'Pak 40"  AT gun  was 75 mm, not 88 mm. 88 AT Cannon was the 'Pak 43'. 
The  damage of la unit  "Pak 40"  should be 75.

It is not possible to add a "MP40" to Michael Wittman and the Panzerofizier?
It would also be interesting to add the hero cross to Michael Wittman.


Wednesday, 2013-11-06, 1:44 PM

Message # 63


Veteran User
Registered: 2009-03-13
Messages: 99
Reputation: 15

Hi Lucas!
Thank you for your compliments and remarks.
About the gun penetrations, I think that there is a pb: in the game, gun penetration power is only determined by the caliber, which leads to some aberrations: how can you compare the gun penetration of a 7.5 cm L 24 of an early Pz IV or a 75 mm sherman to the 7.5 cm L71 of a Panther ? It is completely stupid: in some cases, it takes two or three rounds of a 8.8cm gun of a tiger to knock out a single truck!
So I plan to change the gun penetration of many units to get something more realistic. I will soon propose a table of gun penetrations with propositions . In that case, the pak 40 has a far more penetrating power than '75', and what to say of the 8.8 cm gun of the king tiger which could penetrate 30 cm of armour steel at 1000m ! So it is not a mistake from me, just a readaptation.
About Michael Wittmann, as many tank officers, he rarely took a mp40 with him when out of his tank, on all the pics I saw in Villers Bocage or earlier, he is weaponless, or even a pistol, but never with mp40.. About gun crews and drivers, I have always been worried to see them with rifles and mps in their backs; look at the pictures, it is verey rare to see gun grews with guns in back while serving their guns especially AT guns.So you see, it is a choice of realism from me, but we can discuss it of course.
See you soon for new hanomags sdkfz251 ausf C and D.
Best regards .
PS: I will give M.Wittmann his knight cross soon smile

Fan of panzers


Wednesday, 2013-11-06, 5:02 PM

Message # 64


Senior Moderator
Registered: 2009-02-13
Messages: 707
Reputation: 28

I  understand that the damage of a gun is not only determined by the caliber of its projectile. But until that new table of penetrations that your offer is finished, and units adapted to it, I think it's better to follow the concept of the game designers. I agree to make proposals, but we must unify criteria or the Mod will be an inconsistent mess.

Your new human units each time I like more. I understand your opinion on unarmed units, but they are little operational for the game. If those units are out of the tank, are almost useless; They cannot defend themselves or to attack, only can to die. No one will want to play with those units, and is a shame; they are very, very, very nice. I do not think that we should take the realism up to the extreme of creating units that are not operational. Is my opinion. I do not know what may think about the topic other fans of CP3, but I don't think are agree mostly with your concepts.



Thursday, 2013-11-07, 12:58 PM

Message # 65


Veteran User
Registered: 2009-03-13
Messages: 99
Reputation: 15

Hi Lucas!
I understand your opinion so I propose to make two versions of the tank commanders and officers: one unarmed and one with a weapon, everybody will be free to use what he wants..
I am working on the gunn penetration table and i will send it to you so that you can tell me what you think..
I am finalizing new versions of sdkfz251 ausf C and D , not only the version 1 ( apc) but also radio versions, at versions ( version 10 and 17 pakwagen, and others variants.
Soon will come too a good panzer IV ausf F1.
See you soon.
Best regards.

Fan of panzers


Thursday, 2013-11-07, 5:08 PM

Message # 66


Senior Moderator
Registered: 2009-02-13
Messages: 707
Reputation: 28

I understand your opinion so I propose to make two versions of the tank commanders and officers: one unarmed and one with a weapon, everybody will be free to use what he wants.. 

I think it is a great idea.

I am working on the gunn penetration table and i will send it to you so that you can tell me what you think.. 

Ok. I, also, would consider the distance range of some weapons. For example, the AT artillery pieces are little practices because of their weakness. His shot is very short and they are easily detected. The reality is that these weapons were very cheap and effective, and were priority target of tanks by their dangerousness.

I also want to add that human units of winter are perfect. It would be a breakthrough for the mod to extend them to all the German units.



Saturday, 2013-11-16, 2:56 PM

Message # 67


Veteran User
Registered: 2010-02-15
Messages: 93
Reputation: 1

Wow, I have been gone for a little while, but dis is just fantastic. Did you convert the models from an other game, or did you create them yourself?

I hope you keep up the good work so that many of the original panzers models will see an update, would be nice to replay the campaign with these models. wink

Added (2013-11-16, 2:56 PM)
Could you give us a hint of what more we can expect?  tongue

Message edited by Kristof - Saturday, 2013-11-16, 1:41 PM


Saturday, 2013-12-21, 6:49 PM

Message # 68


Veteran User
Registered: 2009-03-13
Messages: 99
Reputation: 15

Hello all!
After a long time, because I was busy, my first christmas gift!
New hanomags:

download at: https://www.mediafire.com/?uf6obpqis1fkcic
Enjoy and merry christmas to everybody!
you soon! Panther G

Fan of panzers


Sunday, 2013-12-22, 12:25 PM

Message # 69


Veteran User
Registered: 2009-11-24
Messages: 32
Reputation: 0


Thank you and Merry Christmas!


Sunday, 2013-12-22, 2:11 PM

Message # 70


Veteran User
Registered: 2009-03-13
Messages: 99
Reputation: 15

Thanks Casals, soon I will uload a new collection of early Pz IV ausf C, D and E .

See you soon!

Fan of panzers


Tuesday, 2013-12-24, 2:00 PM

Message # 71


Veteran User
Registered: 2010-02-15
Messages: 93
Reputation: 1

Perfect Christmas gift. tongue

Happy Holidays all!  tongue


Saturday, 2013-12-28, 4:06 AM

Message # 72


Lieutenant general
Veteran User
Registered: 2010-12-10
Messages: 177
Reputation: 3

Quote PantherG ()
About the gun penetrations, I think that there is a pb: in the game, gun penetration power is only determined by the caliber, which leads to some aberrations: how can you compare the gun penetration of a 7.5 cm L 24 of an early Pz IV or a 75 mm sherman to the 7.5 cm L71 of a Panther ? It is completely stupid: in some cases, it takes two or three rounds of a 8.8cm gun of a tiger to knock out a single truck! So I plan to change the gun penetration of many units to get something more realistic. I will soon propose a table of gun penetrations with propositions . In that case, the pak 40 has a far more penetrating power than '75', and what to say of the 8.8 cm gun of the king tiger which could penetrate 30 cm of armour steel at 1000m ! So it is not a mistake from me, just a readaptation.
I made that suggestion a year ago. And made a penetration table. Attached.
Attachments: pens_for_std_CP.xlsx (8.7 Kb)


Sunday, 2013-12-29, 6:06 AM

Message # 73


Senior Moderator
Registered: 2009-02-13
Messages: 707
Reputation: 28

Very nice, PantherG. 

Feliz Navidad a todos.


Monday, 2013-12-30, 0:42 AM

Message # 74


Senior Moderator
Registered: 2009-02-13
Messages: 707
Reputation: 28

Within the new "Sdkfz 251" all a regiment can be introduced...!!!  huh


Monday, 2014-03-31, 6:23 PM

Message # 75


Veteran User
Registered: 2009-11-24
Messages: 32
Reputation: 0

Hi everyone

Just a quick note to share a small adaptation I've managed to make of the mp-44
assault soldier and PantherG skins:



I have only done the winter version because don't have a clue of how to
re-skin the helmet extracted from one of PantherG's 3dS from the "4-D
ge_pz4h9" folder
 HopeI don’t upset anyone


Friday, 2014-05-16, 10:11 PM

Message # 76


Veteran User
Registered: 2011-06-27
Messages: 31
Reputation: 1

Great work, Herr PantherG! I admire your devotion to this game! You have my never-ending respect! There's one problem: the ul.to links are all broken (the "404 not found" error). Can you repost them in working links, bitte? Dankeschon! wink


Saturday, 2014-06-21, 9:19 PM

Message # 77


Veteran User
Registered: 2009-03-13
Messages: 99
Reputation: 15

Thank you, Paul! I think there is no pb to download the files : other memebers have succeeded to do it recently.
I have completed new units: see them in the folder "High detailed early war vehicles".
See you soon!

Fan of panzers


Thursday, 2015-04-23, 11:03 PM

Message # 78


Veteran User
Registered: 2009-11-24
Messages: 32
Reputation: 0

Could you please, upload the crews and infantry units again? (most of the older links don't work anymore)
I´ve had a problem with my pc and need to start all over again
Many thanks!


Saturday, 2015-04-25, 12:21 PM

Message # 79


Veteran User
Registered: 2009-03-13
Messages: 99
Reputation: 15

Don't worry I have uploaded new versions. See my historical maps forum and you'll get them.Many others are in preparation. Enjoy!

Fan of panzers


Tuesday, 2015-10-13, 2:34 PM

Message # 80


Major general
Veteran User
Registered: 2015-08-18
Messages: 142
Reputation: 1

PantherG, it's possible u make all your work together in a single archive? like the red version of MAMB009, but similar, like a installer with all your work done from this post
Anyways, i'dont have words to say this is more than a perfect work

These links are down, can please check it? Are from this topic
http://www.mediafire.com/?devkpr3fdh4ickd - France 1944, beginning with M5 stuart, Sherman V and Sherman I C Firefly
http://www.mediafire.com/?c9e3j7fi2gi8t7j - New soldiers and gun crews, /New improved cars: kubelwagens and schwimmwagens. Part 1
http://www.mediafire.com/?2f1ju8arvk00a5b - Late Tiger I's in various camo schemes. / New skins more realistic.
http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?d5gt957lez69t4w - US and British realistic units
http://www.mediafire.com/?kz65pas3u9xlxlb - New Pak 40 guns and missing files for tank commanders.

Im looking for people to make the Pacific Campaign mod for Panzers II and more

Message edited by Panzernet - Tuesday, 2015-10-13, 11:42 PM



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