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Forum moderator: InfraScope  
Project - the missing campaigns
Tuesday, 2016-04-26, 10:48 PM

Message # 41


Lieutenant general
Veteran User
Registered: 2010-12-10
Messages: 177
Reputation: 3

1944 - somewhere in France before dawn
1944 - gdzieś we Francji przed świtem...

Your task is to rescue a surrounded troop of german soldiers in the town
Twoim zadaniem jest uratować otoczony oddział żołnierzy niemieckich w miasteczku,
and to eliminate a couple of antiaircraft guns along the way
eliminując po drodze kilka dział przeciwlotniczych.

Let’s roll
One down, four to go
Jeden załatwiony, jeszcze cztery 

Second antiaircraft down, keep going
Drugie działo przeciwlotnicze zlikwidowane, kontynuuj.

Excellent, two more to go
Doskonale, zostały tylko dwa.

One more and you are good to go
Jeszcze jedno działo do zneutralizowania.

Look, 2 of our tanks. They must have the crew holed up here somewhere
Patrzcie, zdobyli 2 nasze czołgi. Może gdzieś w okolicy trzymają załogantów.

Enemy attack is imminent! Good luck
Wróg zbliża się! Powodzenia

The two 88 guns and the launcher must survive!
Obie 88-ki i wyrzutnia muszą przetrwać!

Defend your position - cross the bridge when all is clear
Broń swojej pozycji - przejedź most, gdy droga będzie wolna

Reinforcements have taken up positions near the station
Na stację kolejową przybyły posiłki

US tank reinforcements have taken up positions on the field near the bridge
Amerykański czołg posiłki zajęły pozycje na polu w pobliżu mostu

Right AA gun in position
Prawe działo plot na pozycji

Left AA gun in position
Prawe działo plot na pozycji

Launcher is in position
Wyrzutnia na pozycji

Good job!
Dobra robota!

Eliminate the marked antiaircraft gun positions
Zneutralizuj działa przeciwlotnicze w zaznaczonych miejscach

Join up with the german soldiers in town
Połącz się z niemieckim oddziałem w mieście

Free the captured tank crews
Uwolnij schwytanych czołgistów

Purge all enemy forces at the station
Zniszcz wszystkie siły wroga na stacji

Reclaim the nicked tanks
Odzyskaj stracone czołgi

Bring your troops to the extraction point
Przemieść swoje wojska do punktu ewakuacji

Hans must survive!
Hans musi przeżyć!

Defend your position!
Broń swojej pozycji!


Wednesday, 2016-04-27, 10:21 AM

Message # 42


Veteran User
Registered: 2016-02-18
Messages: 52
Reputation: 0

Great - thank you so much. Will upload polish version tomorrow. Are you ok to do the briefing screen too?

We have lost contact with a troop surrounded by enemy forces in a small town near Caen.
Antiaircraft Guns are in place preventing us from sending supplies.
Straciliśmy kontakt z wojska otoczony przez siły wroga w małym miasteczku w pobliżu Caen.
Przeciwlotniczych karabinów są w miejscu uniemożliwia nam wysyłanie dostaw.

Your task is to eliminate these positions and to make your way to the troops and to evacuate them.
The enemy is sending in reinforcements and an attack on the town will commence once these are in place.
Patrols are everywhere and stealth is advised.
Twoim zadaniem jest wyeliminować te pozycje i na swój sposób do wojska i wysychają.
Wróg jest wysyłanie w wzmocnień i atak na miasto rozpocznie się kiedy są na miejscu.
Patrole są wszędzie i zaleca się ukradkiem.

Main objectives:
1. Eliminate the Antiaircraft guns.
2. Join up with the town troops and evacuate them
Główne cele:
1. wyeliminować ten dział przeciwlotniczych.
2. Przyłącz się z miasta wojsk i ich ewakuacji

Secondary Objective:
2 of our tanks have been captured. You may be able to retrieve them.
2 nasze czołgi zostały zrobione. Być może uda się je odzyskać.

Heereskommando July 12 1944
Heereskommando 12 lipca 1944

Added (2016-04-27, 9:20 AM)
Hi Macer, I forgot one line:

Secure the bridge! Position the 88 guns and the launcher
Zabezpieczyć most! Pozycja 88 dział i wyrzutni

- and I translated Left aa gun in position with Lewe ... I think that is correct?
Thank you so much man.

Added (2016-04-27, 10:21 AM)
I have added the Polska version - translation by Macer  http://neptunian.org/missing-campaigns/maps/downloads/
Working on the 'big' payback map that will be a test of the kind of map I want to do. I really appreciate your help with this. I am playing the Karlsruhe bonus map and I see that I need to put a lot more action into my missions. Is there anyone who could do the French, Italian, Russian, Czech or Hungarian translation? It would be awesome if I can provide the final max size map in all 9 languages the game shipped in. Thank you for your help.



Wednesday, 2016-04-27, 2:04 PM

Message # 43


Lieutenant general
Veteran User
Registered: 2010-12-10
Messages: 177
Reputation: 3

I don't really see the point in translating it to Polish, but if you want so...


Wednesday, 2016-04-27, 2:25 PM

Message # 44


Veteran User
Registered: 2016-02-18
Messages: 52
Reputation: 0

Macer, maybe your right and the briefing screen is not necessary. I can't find a way to show it in the game anyway. I just thought it would be nice and complete. I will just put the english one in the zip file. Do you know if there is any way to open the phase one maps in the editor with the trees and stuff showing up? I can get back the textures selecting the english names, is this a language issue? I thought I just need a Hungarian phase 2 to do it but I was told that will not solve the problem...


Wednesday, 2016-04-27, 8:00 PM

Message # 45


Lieutenant general
Veteran User
Registered: 2010-12-10
Messages: 177
Reputation: 3

Yes I do: http://panzers.ucoz.com/load/phase_1_compatibility_pack/20-1-0-60


Tuesday, 2016-05-03, 1:55 PM

Message # 46


Veteran User
Registered: 2016-02-18
Messages: 52
Reputation: 0

Macer - You are my hero - smile I am sitting here and opening all the maps and saving them and smiling. Thank you.

Added (2016-05-03, 1:55 PM)
Closing missing campaigns thread.
Thank you for having me and helping with the translation. I will go back to basics and create a single map for phase two that I can play on Sundays.



Wednesday, 2016-05-04, 3:33 AM

Message # 47


Lieutenant general
Veteran User
Registered: 2010-12-10
Messages: 177
Reputation: 3

Oh, actually a new campaign was a great idea. I totally love keeping units for several missions and improving them on the way. It would be nice if we could prolong the german camapign to finally reach Königstigers and other Jagdpanthers rather than stopping on Pz IV. Actually, in my mod I allowed Tigers into the shop for the El-Eisa mission, as there were 3 of them in Africa at that time.


Wednesday, 2016-05-04, 3:28 PM

Message # 48


Veteran User
Registered: 2016-02-18
Messages: 52
Reputation: 0

Macer, ok lets see if we can work together. I need help installing the phase III mod. If I succeed, can I still build my other maps for phase 2?
Installing now, my first attempt failed maybe because I did not install into phase2/run ... will report back

.... installed without a glitch <facepalm> I loaded Cherbourg 1944 and really impressed with the map, models and quality. Great work...

Added (2016-05-04, 3:28 PM)
... I changed the video on youtube because of my downsized project. Updated url - just in case:

Message edited by roadie - Wednesday, 2016-05-04, 11:47 AM


Wednesday, 2016-05-04, 5:26 PM

Message # 49


Major general
Veteran User
Registered: 2015-08-18
Messages: 142
Reputation: 1

any new roadie?

Im looking for people to make the Pacific Campaign mod for Panzers II and more


Saturday, 2016-05-07, 11:04 AM

Message # 50


Veteran User
Registered: 2016-02-18
Messages: 52
Reputation: 0

I am working on the ultimate map (the big one) smile and I installed the phase 3 mod and admired all the models in there ... so nice.
Panzernet, if you are interested in the progress you can take a look here http://neptunian.org/missing-campaigns/campaigns/payback-v3/
I will post screenshots and write about how the level is coming along from time to time

Added (2016-05-07, 11:04 AM)
2016-05-07 today I downloaded the forum using wget and now it seems my ip is blocked. Writing this from the TOR browser. Just in case I don't answer anymore in the coming days. I will check if the ip ban is lifted from time to time. If not - Adios smile

Message edited by roadie - Thursday, 2016-05-05, 1:42 PM


Saturday, 2016-05-07, 3:52 PM

Message # 51


Major general
Veteran User
Registered: 2015-08-18
Messages: 142
Reputation: 1

Quote roadie ()
2016-05-07 today I downloaded the forum using wget and now it seems my ip is blocked. Writing this from the TOR browser. Just in case I don't answer anymore in the coming days. I will check if the ip ban is lifted from time to time. If not - Adios

Wut?!! what happend to you roadie?

Im looking for people to make the Pacific Campaign mod for Panzers II and more


Saturday, 2016-05-07, 6:24 PM

Message # 52


Veteran User
Registered: 2016-02-18
Messages: 52
Reputation: 0

Panzernet, all good. I downloaded the whole forum with wget without throttling (which is not nice, my bad) and got punished by IP ban for a couple of hours. No biggie. Just got back from a bike ride and can log in again.


Saturday, 2016-05-07, 9:23 PM

Message # 53


Major general
Veteran User
Registered: 2015-08-18
Messages: 142
Reputation: 1

Quote roadie ()
Panzernet, all good. I downloaded the whole forum with wget without throttling (which is not nice, my bad) and got punished by IP ban for a couple of hours. No biggie. Just got back from a bike ride and can log in again.

Oh ok

Im looking for people to make the Pacific Campaign mod for Panzers II and more


Sunday, 2016-05-08, 8:44 PM

Message # 54


Lieutenant general
Veteran User
Registered: 2010-12-10
Messages: 177
Reputation: 3

Shall we fear your hacking skills already?


Sunday, 2016-05-08, 11:39 PM

Message # 55


Veteran User
Registered: 2016-02-18
Messages: 52
Reputation: 0

Macer, nice to hear from you. The editor on some maps says something like "running gear init couldn't load texture" - Do you know what the problem could be and how to fix it?

Here is the correct error message:  SRunningGear::Init: Couldn't load texture: 
It worked a few days ago. But now I added models and stuff into the CP1 dir which allows for loading the phase one maps from the link you gave me and the maps that do load have absolutely everything, like all the polish units and houses etc. But on some maps this error comes up and I don't know if it means the tile textures to paint the ground or model textures???

Message edited by roadie - Monday, 2016-05-09, 11:52 AM


Wednesday, 2016-05-11, 5:58 PM

Message # 56


Lieutenant general
Veteran User
Registered: 2010-12-10
Messages: 177
Reputation: 3

I think it means the textures are incompatible with the editor, but hell knows really. Try experimenting by yourseld with the Unpacker, I myself did this that way.


Thursday, 2016-05-12, 9:03 AM

Message # 57


Veteran User
Registered: 2016-02-18
Messages: 52
Reputation: 0

I went back to the original CP1 folder for search and now the error does not come up (I had added content from phase one into that folder and succeeded in getting all models, the old guard tower, the hetzer tank and of course all the polish and french houses to load in the editor). Now of course, these models, units and objects are missing. So I am tempted to think that the error-message relates to the texture of one of the models in those maps? I can load most of the cutscenes from phase one in the animaker. In the cutscene that I posted for the payback V3 map (where Hans is captured) the soldier taking his papers to Wilson appears with a white (blank) texture for the uniform in the animaker. Maybe a missing texture like that is meant by the error message.
Anyways your right - experimenting is the way to go :)

Macer, I started converting the phase one maps to use in the phase 2 editor. Meaning - I just keep the textures and the terrain and the waypoints for the roads (assigning them the correct road in the english named editor roads).
I am assuming there is no way to convert them for anyone to use without having to have the CP1 search folder?
I have to replace all the stuff with phase 2 editor stuff right?

On a side note - I cannot select a skybox for any map - its blank. All the other ones show options. Any hints on that? Thank you.
Now I replaced the original 3.1MB mission editor with a 1MB version from some archive I found on the net and the skybox shows up ... weird.

Message edited by roadie - Thursday, 2016-05-12, 10:55 AM


Tuesday, 2016-09-20, 1:17 PM

Message # 58


Major general
Veteran User
Registered: 2015-08-18
Messages: 142
Reputation: 1

any new progress roadie?

Im looking for people to make the Pacific Campaign mod for Panzers II and more


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