Hi guys
Thanks for your replies!
The older exe versions had specific mod exe files, which made me wonder if the latest exe files would run mods.
I'm interested in the phase 1 mod you mentioned.
Is it possible to play the phase 1 campaign using the Panzers Phase 3 mod?
vonObenAdded (2015-03-21, 10:36 AM)
Quote holdup (
-if you interest for mod panzers 1 I will send a mod by private
Thank you very for the mod!
Is there any info about it?
There is no readme file included.
In the mod there is a PANZERS(Mod).exe fil which is v.1.10, but with a later file date than the old one I had. And this one works on my computer!
However when I run the PANZERS.exe v.1.21 the mod is not used!
It's easy to see since there is a GUI mod in the mod.