Mods for RfB
Thursday, 2013-03-28, 3:32 PM |
Message # 41 |
Lieutenant general
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| I don't think it is possible to convert units from PANZERS 3 to RfB with te current tools we have . I have made a little work on a new mission in RfB, but i don't think I will finish it, so it can become part of the mod. I think I could make a few hungarian units for the game but only as re-skins of german units. I don't know how to make my own 3d files. Send me some pictures of some hungarian units you want me to make,and I will take a look at it.;)
Saturday, 2013-03-30, 0:51 AM |
Message # 42 |
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Registered: 2012-09-25
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| The vehicle used in many German Hungarian army. These included: Panzer 4, Pak 38, Pak 40, the vehicle can supply German Hungarian design. Sdkfz 233, gyologság The uniforms are similar between the two nations. For example, the helmet. The Hungarian dress more brownish. The Panzer 3 you can look at. gunner, medic, sapper, sniper, mortar, they can all be found with us. If you are sending your mod, I could help you in preparing the maps.
If you ask for help here in the forum I think many people will surely try segteni us. I was wondering if you want to write a new 3D-models in the RFB. Anyone who has a 3D modeling can help us. Especially if you've made a three Panzers model. On the basis RFB unit can be set up. The essence is the same. Maybe some different parameter.Added (2013-03-30, 0:51 AM) --------------------------------------------- Hello Tiger Ace! Subsequent permission, I wrote a few words on page 3 of the Panzers see if someone can help us. Did I mention the packaging and 3D editing problems. I hope you do not mind about it. I was wondering if some good professionals to join us. If you only look at the current job will be worth it. Very nice units have been established. I hope soon I try The more functional version of the Mod. The RFB editor I understand it, and I can help you track construction.
Message edited by Jagdflieger - Friday, 2013-03-29, 9:23 AM |
Saturday, 2013-03-30, 2:41 PM |
Message # 43 |
Lieutenant general
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| Very good idea Jagdflieger!:) I think it would ease the job for me, as it is pretty hard to do all the work myself. What you could do for me is to replace the units in the winter missions, with new winteruniformed units - if you want to. It would be good to gather people to make a "mod-team". I have already modded nearly 200 different files but it is very hard to put it together. I could send you my work as it is, if you want try it out in "beta-stage". By the way, I have modded a little bit on the hungarian units, you sked for:
Saturday, 2013-03-30, 3:26 PM |
Message # 44 |
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Registered: 2012-09-25
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| Thanks for the units. Great gift! They have compiled very quickly and were awesome. The Hungarian forum is now trying to provide information to those interested about your work. I have included pictures and writing alone how much it moved at about the mod. I do not even know what it is you're doing. RFB-Mod or RfB2? There are only a few of all Hungarian and Romanian units should want to play in this. We Hungarians, Romanians rivalizállunk has been kidnapped in the country since most of the First World War. Everyone is happy aprtana Romanians. If your job will be sent to me, happy to help, to build a map. Just type in what should be the mission, terrain, etc.
Saturday, 2013-03-30, 6:04 PM |
Message # 45 |
Veteran User
Registered: 2012-07-14
Messages: 53
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| Nice work for RfB!!!, really amazing!!
The engine of the Panzer is a weapon just as the main-gun. Regards from Spain.
Saturday, 2013-03-30, 7:24 PM |
Message # 46 |
Lieutenant general
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| @montymontanam:Thank you comrade!:) It's always nice to hear, that someone likes ones work. @Jagdflieger: Thanks for your great support. I hope we get contac to someone who will help us in your effort. It would be fantastic if you would make a new map, I could make it a part of one of the campaigns. My job fo you is: Put some winter uniforms into the inter missions, and put other units in the other missions as you may please. If you have any questions or any problems - write me!:D I have sent the beta version of the mod to you in a private messege. Take a look at it, and say what you think. I have changed several more things, than I have shown here in pictures, but you will discover that yourself!:) I haven't really tought about a name for the mod yet, maybe "Rush for Berlin - Realism mod" or "Rush for Berlin - Götterdämmerung mod" (<- götterdämmerung means armageddon in english - the downfall of the Reich/end of the world. A good way to describe the final stages of the war.) (Remember: it is still not finishd, so it might not be perfect)
Sunday, 2013-03-31, 8:37 PM |
Message # 47 |
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Registered: 2012-09-25
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| Hello Tiger Ace! I got to thank you for the file. What is and where to copy them? Flags are when I see them. Campaign selection diversity.
Friday, 2013-04-05, 7:16 PM |
Message # 48 |
Lieutenant general
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| Hello comrade Jadgflieger! Sorry for my late reply, but I have had problems with my internet. It is a little hard to get the game to work, but here is the instructions: First, check that your RfB game are updated to 1.20 patch. Second, download the RfB mod developer-tools (You need to have the RfB packer tool.) Third, Unpack all of your .pak files of the game directory to a subfolder called "RfB_mod". (This folder has to be in your main game folder) Fourth, Open my .rar file and extract the contents into "RfB_mod" and replace the existing files. Fifth, open your game.ini and mak the game use my files instead. It should look much like this: [Paths] Search = c:\Programmer x86\Rush for Berlin\RfB_mod Search Base = c:\Programmer x86\Rush for Berlin\RfB_mod Home = c:\Programmer x86\Rush for Berlin\RfB_mod Locale = en
[Editor] Right Panel = 0 Test in game = c:\Programmer x86\Rush for Berlin\RfB_mod
[Debug] Debug Level = 1
Try launching the game, and see if it works.
P.S. By the way, I discovered, that I had made some errors, in the .rar file. Some files were positioned wrong, so the game would not use them. I will upload another version very soon, so you can get a better beta-experience of the mod. I have also found a name for the mod. (at least for now) "Rush for Berlin - Endkampf Mod" What do you think about that????
Friday, 2013-04-05, 11:50 PM |
Message # 49 |
Veteran User
Registered: 2012-09-25
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| Hello Tiger Ace. What you have written is confused and does not work. The only two files in your personal message was: "campaign_select_hq copy" and "Layer campaign_select_hq" I've unpacked the RFB pack files. I worked with the editor. I migrated to the RFB mod-folder in the main editor of the game folder.I copyesin the RFB-mod folder your two files. I have two game ini file in the game. One of the game directory: C: \ Program Files \ Stormregion \ Rush for Berlin and another is created within the RFB mod folder: C: \ Program Files \ Stormregion \ Rush for Berlin \ RfB_mod I think another trip to my path as yours. In my RFB mod there are exe files. You have not sent me a new unit, just the two files. Please send me a better description, and a few new units. (Send a couple of pictures, then perhaps we do not understand each other aside) Thanks in advance.
Did you do something new since then? I think the name is good. Need to do a splash screen .. :-) RFB-endkapf. or RFB-Walhala. :-) I have an idea of the red cap English. The British attack dams in the Ruhr industrial region. Slightly commando mission.
Saturday, 2013-04-06, 1:29 AM |
Message # 50 |
Lieutenant general
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| I am very sorry for the troubles I have given you. I feel like such a jerk!:'( 1. The game.ini file I showed you in the messege above, was wrong. "Programmer" is danish for "programs" and I didn't change it.:weep: Just make a path in the game.ini that leads to your Rush for Berlin "RfB_mod" folder. 2. I don't know why you only got 2 files from me..... I had send you about 200. It must be my shi**y internet XD I have uploaded the package one more time, and this time it should work. ( I hope) I have made some more stuff for the menus and interfaces since last time. This is also included in the .rar file. I am very sorry for all the troubles I have given you. Hope you can forgive a danish idiot. ;P The link: About the british mission idea, I think it sounds great. If you want to make such a mission you are welcome, but I don't think I have the time nessecary for helping you. Added (2013-04-06, 1:29 AM) --------------------------------------------- Not the big deal, some screenshots of some new loading and mission selecting screens. Hope the new package is going to work for you Jadgflieger.
I plan to make much more of this kind of stuff in the mod too.
Saturday, 2013-04-06, 12:13 PM |
Message # 51 |
Veteran User
Registered: 2012-09-25
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| Welcome to Tiger Ace. There's nothing wrong, my English is not even reach the level of Shakespeare. I will definitely write about nonsense. I did what you said. I started the game after he exevel the RFB mod. The game is filled with music, that's encouraging. The game asked me to choose the mod, but did not see Mode. The window is empty, you must know what I mean. Immediately upon loading can be seen. Added (2013-04-06, 12:13 PM) --------------------------------------------- I opened the editor of the new units. Awesome. Good to see them moving. I think the Hungarian tanks put on the back of a red white green flag. You do not have it on the cross. Possibly, the Hungarian crown crest. The Russian units also very awesome. Especially the colors of tanks. The uber soldat more powerful than just a soldier? Hitler's skill? :-) example: Propaganda ...
Saturday, 2013-04-06, 10:16 PM |
Message # 52 |
Lieutenant general
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| Hi Jadgflieger. First of all, thanks for not being mad at me. Your english is fine. At least you don't just write in hungerian, and expect me to understand it. Many of our spanish users write in spansih. It can be very annoying sometimes. Do you open the game in the RushForBerlin_mod.exe? This mod is designed to be opend in the original RushForBerlin.exe. Have you tried that yet. I have never seen a messege where you get to choose mods in RfB. Maybe because I have never open the mod.exe before. I use a *cracked* .exe file, because I don't like starforce - so maybe thats why. I am glad you like the units. The ubersoldat is a little extra something I made. Glad you like it. It is supposed to be a german "wunderwaffe"/superhuman. I think a cool map could be made about the unit. It's a bit like "wolfenstein" And yes, maybe I could give it the skill "Propaganda", it would be nice. I could make the hungarian crown crest on the back of the Panzer IV if you want. It wouldn't take much work to do.
Sunday, 2013-04-07, 7:31 PM |
Message # 53 |
Veteran User
Registered: 2012-09-25
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| You are a living god Tiger Ace! He he .. It works, the game is filled with new music, and the charge image. The court also has the new units. Huge. The American and Russian charger picture well you guessed it. The németnél bit strange is the soldier's helmet. I replaced. The way I see it is not the career mode, only the stormos tracks. I am going to build one for him, I've talked about. You can do it after him? You have the time to color in one unit? I saw a program in This program modifies the RFB 4D files (vehicles, objects, etc.) to work in three of the Panzers. Do you think it can work in reverse? Then we would get a gift ... a dozen units.
How do you stuck the respirator at the soldiers? 4D does not need to edit? What can we do or gas attack in the game.
Maybe we should not shut out the sight swastika. It is realistic to the game. Think about it, Wolfenstein, Übersoldger and many other games.
Maybe a few boat can alter, military camouflage, and a few bunker could go a few German poster or display. For example: Kapitulieren? Nein!
Monday, 2013-04-08, 9:02 PM |
Message # 54 |
Lieutenant general
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| Thank You Jadgflieger, I have never been called a living god before! XD I am very happy that your game now acceptas my files. his makes it alot easier to send you files,which you can comment on The pictures in the campaign selection screen, is not complete. For example:he american soldier just looks stupid - don't you think? :P Therefore I have replaced him with another. I have also changed the alpha channels in the pictures, and it makes it look much better. Since last time, I e made some romanian troops for use in the soviet 3rd mission. I have thought about using the 4D-converter in reverse myself. I just don't know how to do it... Maybe some of the programmers on the site know how to do this. I ve also thought about adding some propaganda-posters to the game. Something like: "Sieg oder Sibirien" and the famous Volkssturm poster. I don't think I will add more swastikas than I have to. that destroys the mod for our german users. By the way, what do you mean here? : "The way I see it is not the career mode, only the stormos tracks. I am going to build one for him, I've talked about. You can do it after him? "
Tuesday, 2013-04-30, 5:36 PM |
Message # 56 |
Lieutenant general
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Registered: 2011-08-13
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| Hello again friends and fellow modders. I am finally back online after a longer period of internet troubles. The Forum diden't accept my password, and therefore I have not been able to write and/or answer anybody here. But finally, I succeded. It just suddenly works fine again, and I apologize for being absent for weeks now. I have still been able to watch the forum, but not able to login. I think my wifi is doing it on purpose! Most of all I am sorry for Jagdflieger, I hope you understand. I have watched your work, and I like it very much. Once it is finished, I will make it a part of the allied campaign. I think a know how to do it! Since I have just not been able to login, I have seen your messeges, and made a bit of further work on the units. Here is some pictures: SS Medic - I think that I have to change the uniform color into a more darker brown camo. It looks a bit cartoony XD The skdfz-250 troop-transporter you asked for. Not my best, but vehicles are not my strong side The darn-bloody english Like how they turned out. The the left, a romanian infantry unit. These is to be used in the russian 3rd mission for gunners at the hill. In the center is a "volkssturm" infantry unit. Don't know if I will make more of them And to the right, a new skin for the waffen SS infantry units. Hope you like them Jagdflieger
Tuesday, 2013-04-30, 11:42 PM |
Message # 57 |
Veteran User
Registered: 2012-09-25
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| Great to see Tiger Ace! I was hoping to just muck about on the net. Very nice pictures. I think it goes well for you in upgrading vehicles. Nice to Sdkfz-250, good for színei.látom the Leibstandarte key to the vehicle. Cool! It was a good idea! "you are still a living god!" :-) How do you zoom in so the units? Will you tell me? When posting a new unit will put them in my file. You have to insert the maps from the campaign? Too bad we can not do Mission Scenario ...
Romanians are good! And Volkssturm like! What did you do them? German doctors? :-) Great idea!
Hello Tiger Ace! I have two questions for you. One of the panther-bunker and an observation concerns. In the RFB editor is not texture on the bunkers. (the game does not even appear in the building) is also supplied with a picture of them. In the panzers 3 is texture on it, and in game the bunker is visible. Maybe you should just pull their texture? What do you think? The other thing I have seen in the same ge officer pistol unit. If you fill his death. (on the picture) why?
Message edited by Jagdflieger - Wednesday, 2013-05-01, 8:02 PM |
Wednesday, 2013-05-01, 8:07 PM |
Message # 58 |
Lieutenant general
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Registered: 2011-08-13
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| I have taken notice of these 2 things too. I will take a look on the panther-tower, but I am a bit booked at the moment. The ge_pistol unit has also caught my attention. I have already tried to change his "death-scene" into the sappers animation. But without succes. It could be cool to have a new german officer unit in our maps. Like the german "Feldkommandant" from RftB.
Wednesday, 2013-05-01, 8:16 PM |
Message # 59 |
Veteran User
Registered: 2012-09-25
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| I think it just lacks the texture of the tower to Panther. If you pull any kind texture on towers they will be visible in the game.
Wednesday, 2013-05-01, 10:05 PM |
Message # 60 |
Lieutenant general
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| Here is the new panther-tower: Added (2013-05-01, 10:05 PM) --------------------------------------------- oobs, not tower, turret