Hi folks! I'm proud to present my first map i'm going to upload! It is called "DONNERHEIM" and is about a secret Luftwaffe researchbase in the french alps. Some "Phase one" players might recognize this map as it is a converted scenario from phase one's russian campaign. However I have changed severeal things so it's not like the old one.
But before I'm going to upload it I have to solve this problem:
In the middle of the scenario I want to play a piece of music (An alarm sound) and I have tried to trigger it but it won't play. I hope some of you here knows what I'm doing wrong... The trigger looks like this: (the ------ part is a secret )
Event: When a unit enters 'alarm'. Coditions: <<add condition>> Actions: Play music 'music/alarm_01.mp3'. Display localized fading message'------' Display localized fading messege'------' <<add new action>>
Please answer me as soon as possible so I can upload it
You must use the option "effects" > sounds. You must search for "alarm" among the effects. Do not use "play music". Not working.
Event: When a unit enters 'alarm'. Coditions: Find <Units> of <Player> at '<Location>'. The triggering of unit is owned by <Player>. Actions: Start effect ''?" Display localized fading message'------' Display localized fading messege'------' Wait for 100 frames (= 5 seconds 0 frames). Stop effect "?"
Before using this rule should include another a previous "stop effect "?". Otherwise, the alarm will sound throughout the game.
Thanks for the fast reply Lucas_de_Escola but I have a little problem whit my editor. Its because I have "deleted" the 'topbar' (you can find more about this at the tread "Editor problem" and can't acces effects. I don't know if it has anything whit this to do but when I try to do as you say and 'start effect' in triggers it gives me a blank list... Therefore I can't get it to work. Hope you can help me further.
Yeah I know but when I want to make the trigger "start effect" it gives me a blank list...
Added (2011-10-25, 6:27 PM) --------------------------------------------- Just not to cofuse anybody I think I have to say that I have moved the alarm_01.mp3 sound into the music section of my directory. (CP3-Main) In that way you can hear it whereever you are on the map. Please help me somebody so I can upload it...
Can someone please supply a link for Berlin45 mod v1.0, as my install file has become corrupted...................................
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