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Simple Modding ?
Tuesday, 2011-03-22, 6:19 PM

Message # 1


Registered: 2011-03-22
Messages: 2
Reputation: 0

Hi Guys.

I recently bought this game and I wanted to know how to decompile and compile the PAK files.

I know that with the Blitzkrieg 2 series I just used 7ZIP but that doesn't work on these PAK files.

I also want to remove the Fog of War and change the Camera settings.

Also is there an Editor for this game ?



Tuesday, 2011-03-22, 10:02 PM

Message # 2


Senior Moderator
Registered: 2009-02-13
Messages: 707
Reputation: 28

You must search: Downloads>Tools.

Only in the game Codename Panzers Phase two there editor



Wednesday, 2011-03-23, 8:46 PM

Message # 3

Owner of the Website

Registered: 2009-01-23
Messages: 312
Reputation: 12

Hey adamstrange,

Unfortunately, Cold War doesn't have a level editor only Phase 2 has. And I don't think that any pak decompilers are available. And you should be able to remove the fog of war in the game's options menu.



Saturday, 2011-03-26, 2:59 AM

Message # 4


Registered: 2011-03-22
Messages: 2
Reputation: 0

I looked into the game's options but there is nothing there about removing the fog of war.


Wednesday, 2011-05-11, 4:10 PM

Message # 5


Registered: 2011-05-11
Messages: 1
Reputation: -1

I am not able to make my game works because it
Code keeps asking for serial
Some of you have the Crack Game


Wednesday, 2011-05-11, 11:21 PM

Message # 6

Owner of the Website

Registered: 2009-01-23
Messages: 312
Reputation: 12

Well, the company that made the game will probably go bankrupt because of piracy. I understand if it's to expensive to buy, but please at least have the decency not to encourage others to do this. Anyway, for stuff like that simply check torrent sites like thepiratebay.org.


Tuesday, 2012-01-03, 6:04 PM

Message # 7


Veteran User
Registered: 2012-01-02
Messages: 13
Reputation: 3

There is an extractor who works with the pak files from Panzers Cold War. Its name is Quick BMS. In its main web page you can find the script needed for extract them.

For disabling the fog of war you must to modify the maps whit an hex editor. I have done it searchig for any string long enough to to change it for "SetFogVisibility( false ) The remaining space must be filled with empty spaces (Hex code 0A) I use to do it changing the first string type "SetWeather......"

If you want to make any mod, you must to extract the files with Quick BMS and place them in the folder called "home". Then you must to remove the Pak files to any safe place. Once you have done it, you can modify the files to make the changes.

I hope you find this usefull.

If anyone cares about it, I can tell you many things more.....

Message edited by seat131 - Tuesday, 2012-01-03, 6:09 PM


Friday, 2012-01-20, 6:13 AM

Message # 8


Veteran User
Registered: 2011-11-23
Messages: 31
Reputation: 0

I have a question... How to tow cars with the train?


Friday, 2012-01-20, 11:25 PM

Message # 9


Senior Moderator
Registered: 2009-02-13
Messages: 707
Reputation: 28

You must put the locomotive and wagon on the railroad. Drag the wagon on the locomotive. To join wagons each other, do the same.


Thursday, 2013-01-03, 0:28 AM

Message # 10


Veteran User
Registered: 2012-09-25
Messages: 92
Reputation: 1

Panzers 3 a superb one modifikáció! There are many opportunities in him, and very much unit. I have an idea onto the additional direction of the development. The water. Let us take the war onto the water. Submarines able to fight, sloops, stb. or into the air. Helicopters. Was for the Germans it may be for Americans.

I do not understand the unit to creation, only to the map editing. Early the panzers 2 , then it I worked with RfB editor.

Added (2013-01-03, 0:28 AM)
Panzers 3 a superb one modifikáció! There are many opportunities in him, and very much unit. I have an idea onto the additional direction of the development. The water. Let us take the war onto the water. Submarines able to fight, sloops, stb. or into the air. Helicopters. Was for the Germans it may be for Americans.

I do not understand the unit to creation, only to the map editing. Early the panzers 2 , then it I worked with RfB editor.



Monday, 2013-03-18, 8:33 PM

Message # 11


Junior Moderator
Registered: 2013-03-17
Messages: 32
Reputation: 3

Please, friend. Do not confuse Codename Panzers: Cold War (Brand new game from Atari and InnoGlow[former StormRegion]) with Codename Panzers: Phase Three (The modification for Codename Panzer: Phase Two).

I telling you: It's a lot easier moding Panzers II than Cold War...

Damn Atari... sad Maybe this company don't like mods and cheats...

Hello, I'm the rookie but gladly reply all the questions about things that I understand.

Sorry for my spic English, if you know Spanish, WRITE IT!

Message edited by Triodo - Monday, 2013-03-18, 8:34 PM


Friday, 2013-08-16, 3:28 PM

Message # 12


Registered: 2013-08-16
Messages: 1
Reputation: 0

i also did not find to remove flag options....:( i think its not available at this phase!!!

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Thursday, 2016-12-29, 12:48 PM

Message # 13


Veteran User
Registered: 2011-10-19
Messages: 47
Reputation: 0

grande maestro Lucas, il programma JRE editor va bene ma ce un problema non visualizza il mod mentre lo fai. wiew model). e' normale? ciao lordbrunn

parcere subiectis et debellare superbos


Tuesday, 2017-08-15, 1:37 PM

Message # 14


Veteran User
Registered: 2014-10-26
Messages: 39
Reputation: 0

He intentado después de años volver a jugar Cold War, y no me deja de ninguna manera; estoy usando windows 10. ¿sabeis alguna forma de ejecutar el juego en W10?

Gracias de antemano por la ayuda.


Friday, 2019-04-19, 4:43 PM

Message # 15


Registered: 2016-10-31
Messages: 18
Reputation: -23

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Thursday, 2020-09-10, 11:11 PM

Message # 16


Registered: 2020-09-05
Messages: 5
Reputation: 0

Where is moderator??
It is about advertisement on your website.


Wednesday, 2021-05-12, 9:54 PM

Message # 17


Registered: 2021-04-19
Messages: 13
Reputation: 0

Can I contact admin??
I'ts important.


Thursday, 2021-05-13, 9:15 AM

Message # 18


Registered: 2021-04-19
Messages: 9
Reputation: 0

Where is admin?
It is important.


Thursday, 2021-05-13, 9:57 AM

Message # 19


Registered: 2021-04-19
Messages: 13
Reputation: 0

Can I contact admin??
I'ts important.


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